What does the future have in store for ‘Bluey’ after ‘The Sign’?

After emotionally devastating fans one more time, where does the animated series go from here? PLUS: ‘For All Mankind’ renewed, Shyamalan sets his ‘Trap,’ and Tarantino scraps ‘The Movie Critic.'

What does the future have in store for ‘Bluey’ after ‘The Sign’?
Muffin, Bluey, Bingo and Socks in the Bluey episode “The Sign.” / Ludo Studio

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Has everyone recovered from the biggest pop culture event of 2024? I’m obviously talking about the Bluey episode “The Sign” premiering last weekend. Was that the end of Bluey? What comes next?

It’s been a week since the 28-minute episode aired, so there are going to be spoilers ahead ...

If you’ve seen “The Sign,” you know all about the episode. Rad and Frisky got married. Grandpa Bob is alive. And the Heeler family isn’t moving from their iconic home. (And, if you’re human like me, you probably teared up as Bandit ripped that For Sale sign from the ground as Meg Washington’s “Lazarus Drug” played.)

It was everything that fans of Bluey had come to expect from the show. It had a story for kids. It was emotionally devastating for adults.

“The Sign” has an air of finality to it. Rolling Stone’s Alan Sepinwall wrote that the episode “works better as the period at the end of a sentence, rather than as an ellipsis.”

So is “The Sign” a period? Or is it an ellipses before Bluey continues with a fourth season and beyond?